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One of a kind Independent Photo-Bio Reactor (A-PBR)

Algamol is leading a revolution in the microalgae industry, propelled by its unique A-PBR system (Autonomous Photobioreactor). This ground-breaking technology is the backbone of our operations, enabling agile, efficient, and sustainable microalgae cultivation. Our innovative approach utilizes advanced technology to unlock the full potential of microalgae while prioritizing environmental responsibility.

The A-PBR system is designed for cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency in microalgae production. It embodies a modular and portable design, ensuring optimized utilization of space and resources, with minimal labor requirements. Boasting features like intelligent monitoring, remote operation capabilities, and data-driven optimization, it guarantees optimal growth conditions for microalgae. This pioneering technology is transforming the way microalgae are cultivated, setting a new standard in the industry and ushering in a greener future

Why Algamol?

At Algamol, we harness the power of our proprietary A-PBR system (Autonomous-Photobioreactor) to revolutionize microalgae cultivation.

Our state-of-the-art technology ensures unmatched productivity and resource efficiency, delivering consistent, reliable, and contamination-free results in commercial settings. Experience the reliability and cutting-edge innovation that only Algamol can provide.

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. With our closed-system design and expert support, we prioritize pure microalgae cultivation without contamination risks. Our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way, offering comprehensive assistance throughout your journey. Join forces with Algamol to unlock the immense potential of microalgae and drive positive change toward a greener future.

Why Microalgae?

Microalgae, nature's unsung heroes, hold tremendous potential that we are determined to unleash.

These microorganisms are the powerhouses of bioproduct production, synthesizing an impressive array of polysaccharides, lipids, pigments, proteins, vitamins, bioactive compounds, and antioxidants. Their unparalleled diversity and adaptability make them the superheroes of freshwater and seawater environments, thriving in extreme conditions and offering unparalleled cultivation advantages.

At Algamol, we are on a mission to restore algae to its rightful place of greatness. By tapping into the remarkable capabilities of microalgae, we open doors to limitless possibilities. From revitalizing industries and powering sustainable solutions to driving innovation and paving the way for a greener future, we believe that algae can make a significant difference.


At Algamol, we specialize in comprehensive microalgae cultivation solutions designed to meet the specific needs of our clients.

At Algamol, we specialize in comprehensive microalgae cultivation solutions designed to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our industry-agnostic approach ensures reliable and sustainable microalgae production, empowering businesses to harness the power of microalgae without the complexities of in-house cultivation.

Algae as a Service (AaaS) allows you to access our cutting-edge microalgae cultivation technology without the need for significant upfront investments. We take care of the entire cultivation process, from strain selection to production and quality control, while providing a consistent supply of high-quality microalgae tailored to your specific applications.

Customized Cultivation Protocols are developed in close collaboration with our experts to optimize growth conditions, nutrient profiles, and productivity for your industry or application. We understand that each sector has unique requirements, and we tailor our cultivation strategies to ensure optimal results.

Choose Algamol for reliable and sustainable microalgae cultivation solutions. Unlock the potential of microalgae for your business and explore the countless possibilities they offer.

Algamol's PBR is compact and requires up to 5M2 of land. Its size can fit any hatchery to generate the best results based on fresh products. The shelf life of the product as a fresh paste can last up to 4 weeks.
Algamol's PBR produces an accurate concentration of solid paste subjected to the implementation, due to the dewatering stage of the cultivation process. For hatcheries, we produce an accurately controlled concentration of 20% (200gr/Li).
Algamol's PBR contains essential fatty-acids omega-3 EPA & DHA, in a concentration of up to 7% of the dry weight (i.e. 70g/Kg).
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